Small Groups Discussion this Week : The Good Samaritan

Every Christian is a Minister 1 Peter 2:9
[9]But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. We are to share God’s Goodness to Others. This week Purpose Share Jesus Christ with Your Friends, Family, Workmates, Business Partners, Customers and anyone willing to listen. Gather two, three or more people this week at work, at the office, at home in a cell group and feel free to share for atleast an our the following material. Do it prayerfully and may the Lord bless your efforts. Please kindly share the good reports and the challenges you encounter. God bless You Pastor Willy:Caring–GoodSamaritan
THEMES:Demonstrating love,True neighbors,Racism,Tribalism
INTRODUCTION:Jesus was well established as a teacher and as a powerful worker of miracles.But
the experts in the Jewish law were not easily convinced.One of these experts was manuevered by Jesus
into recognizing that the law commanded that you must love your neighbor as yourself. To justify himself,
the expert then asked Jesus,“Who is my neighbor?”Jesus gave. this story as his answer.
STORY:Tell the story.
1.Observation questions:Examples:What happened first?What next? Andsoforth.
2.Retelling the story: Have someone repeat the story for the group.
3.Interpretation questions:

Who were the characters in this story?
Was the ethnic background of each character important?

Why did the priest and the Levite not help the beaten man from Jerusalem?

What would the innkeeper have done if he had not been given money for the care of the wounded

Why did the teacher of the law identify the true neighbor as“the one who had mercy on him, ”but did
not call him “the Samaritan”?

Why do you think Jesus answered the question,“ Who is my neighbor?”with a story, and not with a
direct answer?

Did the teacher of the law succeed injustfying himself by asking,“Who is my neighbor?”
4.Application quesstions:

Do you have negative attitudes to people who come from certain ethnic groups?
Do you think these are attitudes God wants you to change?
If so, what is the first step God wants you to take?

Are you more likely to help those in need if someone else is paying for it?

Why did this story of Jesus give you a clearer idea of who is your neighbor than you could have
learned from a list of criteria for a neighbor?

Do you ever use questions to divert attention from your shortcomings?
How well will this succeed, when you are dealing with God?
5.Practice: Divide into pairs to practice telling this story. During the week, tell your family, friends and
neighbors the story of the Good Samaritan.

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