Divine Connection Through Dreams

He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.”—PSALM 127:2

God performs extraordinary acts through dreams, as illustrated throughout the Bible. King Solomon received the gift of wisdom in a dream (1 Kings 3:5-15), and God established a covenant with Abraham through another (Genesis 15:12-21). He also warned Pharaoh of a coming famine (Genesis 41:1-37) and gave Jacob a business strategy (Genesis 31:11-13). Moreover, Israel found guidance to go to Egypt, and Gideon was inspired to go to war via dreams (Genesis 46:1-7; Judges 7:9-18).
  Dreams are equally notable in the New Testament. Joseph, Mary’s husband, received angelic messages through dreams that significantly influenced his life (Matthew 1:20-24; 2:13-14, 19-21, 22-23). According to 1 Corinthians 10:11, these scriptural examples should guide our lives.
Reflecting on these precedents, we might wonder how many blessings we miss by overlooking divine dreams. Clearly, dreams are a crucial spiritual connection and a bridge to the kingdom of Heaven. Across the Bible, dreams and visions occupy about one-third of its content, the equivalent of the entire New Testament, underscoring their importance as a consistent divine communication method. 
God frequently speaks through dreams, imparting divine revelations that can lead to remarkable success. Unfortunately, we often disregard our dreams because they seem confusing. This confusion arises from not understanding God’s dream language.
God desires constant communication with us, both awake and asleep, as emphasized in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, which calls for ceaseless prayer. Understanding and valuing our dreams is part of maintaining an ongoing connection with Him, thereby embracing a fuller, divinely-guided life.

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