The Spiritual Language of Dreams

The Spiritual Language of Dreams

ACTS 2:17

“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’”

It is Crucial to understand the significance of being attentive to the visions we acquire in the course of the day. This are pictures that cross our mind during the day. We sometimes refer to this phenomenon as day dreaming.Rational thought and cognitive learning has taught us that these spontaneous pictures crossing our minds are insignificant.In contrast to that school of thought, biblical evidence reveals that these visions provide us a glimpse into the spirit realm,
inspiring us to write them down, and seek to understand the spiritual meaning of the visions received, and apply their insights to our lives. Amazingly, the Bible often uses the words dream and vision interchangeably.

A good example is in the book of Job: “In a dream, a vision of the night, when sound sleep falls on men…” (Job 33:15). In addition,Prophet  Isaiah in the old testament uses the same phrase: “it will be like a dream, a vision of the night” (Isa. 29:7). The Bible states  “the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a night vision,” and later, “I kept looking in the night visions…” (Dan. 2:19; 7:13). The above passages explain that dreams are basically visions we have at night.

Hence each of us should take each of our   dreams seriously. We will labour in this blog to show you that most of your dreams are valid divine and spiritual communication from unseen realms.
During sleep when our cognitive minds are not active, an opportunity presents itself in our restful state  to experience spiritual communication  through our dreams. Dreams are not just an insignificant occurrence human beings have. The Scriptures reveal that they are a ‘window’ where we can have a ‘peep’ to what is going on in a realm beyond us.Dr. Charity Kayembe in her book ‘Hearing God through your dreams’ states” God speaks to us through our dreams, engaging us in the supernatural realm. If we consider visions as real life, then dreams are equally real.”

John 17:3
[3]And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
“The above scriptures tells us that life is about knowing God and Jesus, whom He sent. With this definition of real life, we can confidently say that hearing from God and connecting with His Spirit through dreams qualifies as real life.” Dr Charity Kayembe explains.Psalm 139 beautifully illustrates this connection with God through our dreams:

“How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, You are still with me!” (Psalm 139:17-18 NLT).

When we sleep at night, we hook up with God’s thoughts—those He is those he is thinking about us now. We are inspired  to understand our dreams because we want to know divine thoughts about us. We want to hear what God has to say about us, about life, and about His world. We seek to listen to His ideas, feel His heart, and understand His point of view.

Our need to know God and the nature of the divine realm drives us to listen to our dreams, in the process  we strengthen our relationship with God. Comprehending the voice of God at night is paramount to understanding the spiritual realm.Dr Charity Kayembe rightly states “Just as being fluent in a language enhances our ability to communicate effectively and build closer relationships, learning God’s heart language of dreams demonstrates our commitment and desire for deeper intimacy with Him.”

Developing the ability to interpret dreams enables you to live a rich spiritual life that is naturally Supernatural.  It empowers you to grasp the divine messages communicated through dreams and visions. This knowledge enables you to have a closer walk with God having clearer communication with the divine building stronger relationship.

Hence let us begin on this journey of understanding the language and symbols of our dreams.
Let us actively seek  to understand our dreams and apply the wisdom we receive in our lives. In doing so, we open ourselves to a richer, more profound relationship with our Creator, who speaks to us both day and night.

This blog will strive to assist you with understanding Biblical Dream interpretation and other Prophetic gifting.

We welcome You to share your dreams and vision so that we may help you interpret by God’s Grace

Email us on or call us on +254712425373 to be assisted on counselling ;dream interpretation; prayer or any other ministry

Compiled by Pastor Willy Ochieng
Based on “Hearing God’s Voice through your Dreams” By Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe

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